Due to the closing of Fort Snelling because of flooding, my Little Brother and I decided to go to Lake Maria instead. Neither of us were disappointed with the decision.
As usual, when we got there we talked with the ranger on-duty to find a good hike. She recommended that we take the Bjorkland Lake Trail. We started on our hike and decided to take the Interpretive trail route to read and learn about the forest. We then hooked up with the Bjorkland Lake Trail. This is a relatively easy trail to hike and we found out a lot about the trees, wildlife and the history of the area. I also found out he had a budding interest in photography. Ah, another thing in common.
After our 1.5 mile hike, we drove down to Lake Maria and walked along the lake. The lake was up quite a bit, again due to the rains. My Little Brother being a kid decided to take advantage of the water and muck and proceeded to get a little muddy.
This is a great state park which is really close to the Twin Cities. It is about a 40 minutes from the NW Suburbs and for those that don't like to camp, they have a camping cabin for your comfort.
Lastly, I love being a Big Brother. If you are interested in becoming a Big Brother in the Twin Cities area or elsewhere in the USA, contact Big Brothers Big Sisters at www.bbbs.org.
Highway Miles from Home to Lake Maria: 33.2
Total Highway Miles this Leg of Trip: 33.2
Total Highway Miles: 2092.8
Hiking Miles at Lake Maria: 1.9
Total Hiking Miles this Leg of Trip: 1.9
Total Hiking Miles: 52.2
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